What Is Web 2.0 - O'Reilly Media


Innovation in Assembly

Lightweight business models are a natural concomitant of lightweight programming and lightweight connections. The Web 2.0 mindset is good at re-use. A new service like housingmaps.com was built simply by snapping together two existing services. Housingmaps.com doesn't have a business model (yet)--but for many small-scale services, Google AdSense (or perhaps Amazon associates fees, or both) provides the snap-in equivalent of a revenue model.

These examples provide an insight into another key web 2.0 principle, which we call "innovation in assembly." When commodity components are abundant, you can create value simply by assembling them in novel or effective ways. Much as the PC revolution provided many opportunities for innovation in assembly of commodity hardware, with companies like Dell making a science out of such assembly, thereby defeating companies whose business model required innovation in product development, we believe that Web 2.0 will provide opportunities for companies to beat the competition by getting better at harnessing and integrating services provided by others.

PC業界とその中でのDellが例として挙がっていますが、私はこれをCommodity hardwareへの更なる傾向とも読みました。前日の話でも触れた、Hardwareを作っていて本当にWeb 2.0時代のエンジニアリング/ビジネスを楽しめるのか? につながるお話です。Web 2.0が求めるものは、Commodity hardware。そこにもエンジニアリングはありますが、私が期待するものとは少し違う気がします。

6. Software Above the Level of a Single Device

One other feature of Web 2.0 that deserves mention is the fact that it's no longer limited to the PC platform. In his parting advice to Microsoft, long time Microsoft developer Dave Stutz pointed out that "Useful software written above the level of the single device will command high margins for a long time to come."

この結果、hardwareはhardwareで勝手にやっていなさい。使えるようになったら、つまり、Commodityになったら、自然と存在するサービスは載ってきますよ。という世界になるのだと思います。逆に言うと、サービスまでついたhardware開発をしないと、web 2.0時代の新製品にはならないのかも知れません。
まだ考えがまとまっていない、飛躍した話になっていますが、第一印象/Quick thoughtでした。